
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

So, It's Been a While.

It's been almost a whole month since I posted anything to the blog.  I apologize.  Here are some random thoughts for your reading enjoyment.

I keep saying it but this second pregnancy has been something special.  I was watching What To Expect When You're Expecting the other night and this pregnancy, I can really relate to Elizabeth Banks' character aka Wendy Cooper.  I want so badly to be that glowing pregnant woman who doesn't look or feel pregnant, but honestly, I look and feel like crap.  I'm not looking that hot these days.  Just ask a certain family member who will remain nameless. 

On the plus side, I watched Mom's Night Out which brought me out of my uncomfortable pregnant funk.  This is temporary and I'm so blessed to be pregnant with a healthy baby, and for that I am grateful.    

I'm not sure I've mentioned it on the blog yet, but we're having another girl!  How's that for a big fancy, Pinteresty reveal?  I shared our nursery "progress" on IG stories last week.  It's slowly coming together for baby girl number 2.  Katherine is so excited to have a sister!  After all, Princess Elena has a little sister, so it can't be that bad. 

"Are you anxious about baby number 2?"  No, I'm anxious about the PLL series finale.  Only weeks away I've already been reading up on the latest finale theories, which isn't anything new for me.  I've been pouring over PLL theories for years.  Am I too old to be watching this show?  Probably.  Do I care?  No. 

I recently read on The Zoe Report that Forever 21 has a line of bridesmaid dresses for under $100.  This could be genius for upcoming weddings because the dresses are actually cute and really could "be worn again."  I would only be hesitant because, after all, it is Forever 21.  Sometimes the clothes there are not actually wearable more than once.  Sure, they're good for a fun night out or a one time edgy, trendy look.  But once you've washed it, it's done. 

Speaking of clothes, I love this article on favorite teen brands from the past.  My, how things have changed. 

For more updates on life or whatever, head on over to my IG, where I update slightly more often....

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