Christmas Traditions, Fredbird Frights, and Peter Pan

11:55 PM

Every year I tell myself that I won't let the holidays stress me out.  Every year I say this, but every year I strive to make everything perfect and exhaust myself.

This year it has been a little more hectic around here, leading to some holiday decorations not being put out and some holiday "extravagants" not being too extravagant.  The Christmas lights didn't get put on the house this year, and yet the sun still rises each morning.  Only a small portion of the Christmas village was put out this year, and Christmas will still come.

Some things will be different this year.  For instance we will not be in Kennett for Christmas for the first time in my thirty-one years.  While it is a little sad, I'm excited for Jason and I to start new Christmas traditions in our home, in St. Louis.

One of our Christmas traditions is my ballet studio putting on our annual Christmas dance "recital."  This happens every year around the first weekend in December, and today was that day.  Last year, Katherine enjoyed the music and dancers, but hated Fredbird (who is always in attendance).  We worked on her dislike of Fredbird all  year.  We read Hello Fredbird.  We pointed him out at baseball games.  She seemed to love him.  Today she enjoyed seeing him from across the room, but when he came closer she freaked.  So, no picture with Fredbird.  This does not give me high hopes for our visit with Santa later this week.

Yesterday, we spent the day taking professional family photos.  It was freezing, but my hot natured child didn't notice and played along with our crazy idea to "walk" in the park while a photographer snapped photos of us.  I hope they turned out alright, despite our red noses.  Afterwards, we stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch where Katherine continued to ham it up for the camera.

On Friday night, Katherine and I finally finished watching Peter Pan Live.  Because it was 3 whole hours long, we watched it in hour long increments.  Katherine actually watched and enjoyed it.  She loved Hook or "Huck" as she says it.  Watching Christopher Walken play Captain Hook was kind of brutal for me, but Katherine loved it.  She's very into pirates right now,  Thanks Jake.   (If you're not sure who Jake is, ask anyone with a toddler who watches Disney Junior.)
I'm always sad to see a weekend go, especially in December when I feel like they're numbered and always packed with activities.  I'm going to take on the week ahead by being as productive as possible, but not overwhelming myself and loosing the Christmas spirit.  Good luck.

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