What I'm Loving: May
7:30 AMIt's time for my May favorites list and I'm excited to share this one with you! I'm so so glad to finally be in the warmer months and can't wait for summer, but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy every last bit of spring I possibly can.
Speaking of books, May is also the start of the summer reading program at our library. I signed Katherine and myself up again this year with hopes that I'll actually get through mine. Katherine completed her program in record time because we read books to her constantly and go to weekly story time. While I started strong last year, I only finished 4.5 of 6 books. I got stuck on book 5 and never recovered. It's a lot harder to read once you have a child. If only they'd let adults count the number of books we read to our kids. Anyway, I'm hoping to complete my program this summer. Are you trying to decide what to read this summer? Here's a fun quiz to take to help you decide!
I recently started using products from The Honest Co. and I'll have to say, this is probably my new favorite product line. I first bought the bubble bath for Katherine because I wanted a bubble bath that wasn't too fragrant and wouldn't irritate her skin. I loved it and went back to buy other bath products for her. Then I started using the multi-surface cleaner. These products smell great, but don't have a strong fake scent. I'll also say that the organic healing balm is great for really dry skin. My hands are always super dry and putting the healing balm on them at night before bed has helped tremendously.
What is your favorite thing about spring?
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