House Hunting

7:00 AM

If you've ever been in the market for a new house, then you know about the emotional ups and downs that go along with the hunt.  Every morning there's the hope that the house will pop up, and every evening there's the disappointment that it didn't.

Sometimes you get your hopes way up because you think you've found the house, only to be let down again when the deal falls through.

The number of houses that we've actually viewed in person is now well into the double digits, with no luck in finding the one, and really, no hope in sight.

We've looked at house after house after house.

We've gone to Open Houses where 60 other people are trying to finagle their way through the same small space we're trying to look at.

We've had houses that we were interested in sell before we even got a chance to look it them.

We've had houses we were trying to make an offer on sell before our agent could finish the paper work on our offer.

We've had a house sell while we were inside it, viewing it.

This weekend, we fell in love with a house and decided to put an offer in on it.  After going over the comps (HGTV word!) in the surrounding areas with our agent, and weighing all of our options, we put in a solid offer.  I was confident that this time, it would work out.  I even started browsing online for floor rugs.  I totally saw us living their.  The next day, the sellers countered our offer with a less than stellar one.  After our agent spoke with the sellers' agent, it became clear that their disappointing counteroffer was as good as they could do.  Unfortunately, we couldn't budge much from our offer.  So, the deal was off.  Another house gone.

Losing this last house stung.  A lot.  After months of looking, I have little hope of ever finding the right one, nor do I see the light at the end of this depressing tunnel.

I'm ready to have our own space again.  I miss our stuff.  I miss our furniture.  I miss our old house.

I know this season of life we are in will eventually pass but right now, I'm sad.  And I feel hopeless.

Sorry, this post got real.

In keeping with the topic of this post, some may have seen this Facebook post I posted a couple of weeks ago on my personal page.  This pretty much sums up our life right now:

And because I want to leave you on a positive note, I give you:  literally just a bunch of funny tweets about HGTV shows.  


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