Easter 2016

12:45 PM

We started our Easter celebration early in the week last week, dying our Easter eggs and immediately going outside to hide/find them.  The spring-like temps made for a fun Easter week, but alas Easter day was cold and rainy.  It's a good thing we spent so much time outside the week prior.

Katherine loved hunting eggs almost as much as she loves our dog, Sammie.  Sammie is such a good sport about it though.

 My parents' yard is in full spring bloom, making for a perfect egg hunting backdrop.

We made Easter Bunny Bars using this recipe.

On Saturday we headed to the city for the annual Easter egg hunt at my brother's church, where Katherine hunted even more eggs and met the Easter Bunny.

It's a good thing I opted for the cardigan for Katherine's Easter dress.  Easter morning was a bit on the chilly side.  I might add that Katherine picked out her entire outfit, including shoes and purse.  She was the hit of her Sunday school class.

We're now recovering from way too much Easter candy.  And hoping for the spring temperatures to return.

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