A Week without Jason

10:46 AM

We're officially on the tail end of a Jason-less week over here, and I don't know how single parents do it.  It's probably just the pregnancy exhaustion, but I cannot go another day flying solo. 

Luckily most of the week was perfect weather, so letting Katherine run off her energy outside worked like a charm. 

We managed to make it through the week with minimal tears from either of us.  Here's how most of our week went down:

{Tracking daddy's flight out of town with wonder and sadness.}

{We headed out for frozen yogurt one afternoon.}

{That same day, our neighbor, who is moving, gifted us with lots of fun toys.}

{Another day, we did a little shopping and spent all of our piggy bank money.}

{I can't forget to mention our "girls' day out lunch."}

{And finally, we prepared for daddy's return home.}
This girl missed her daddy something fierce.  We're both so glad to have him home again in a few hours.  Jason has gone on work trips before, but never for this long or this far away from home.  His wifi and phone service weren't great, so we didn't get to FaceTime or talk to him on the phone very often.  This made for a very grumpy four-year-old.  Luckily, the new toys (free and piggy bank purchased) helped keep her mind off of missing daddy.  Towards the end of the week, I officially gave up and I haven't cooked a thing since Wednesday.  We've ordered out every meal.   

We're both counting down the minutes until it's time to head to the airport to pick up Jason. 

On a slightly different topic, is anyone else loving the new Victoria Beckham line at Target?  Love.  I'm also loving all of the spring clothes out for the season.  Too bad, I can't fit into any of them this year. 

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