Easter 2017

10:22 AM

Just like any other holiday, the week following is always rough.  We're coming off of a major sugar high this week, not to mention this second pregnancy has me feeling less than stellar.  Soooooooo tired.  And big. 

Easter morning we opened our Easter basket brought by that famous bunny, followed by a Pinterest fail bunny pancake breakfast. 

Katherine picked out her own Easter dress this year with matching bunny purse.  She chose her own shoes to go with her ensemble.  To my surprise, she wore that white dress all day long and it was still white and clean at the end of the day. 

We headed to church, then to my parents' house for lunch and more egg hunting.  In my current condition, I was not going to a) cook Easter lunch, or b) host Easter lunch.  I barely got through Easter lunch without passing out.  I did provide the cheesy potato casserole though.

Easter is one of my favorite holidays.  It's up there with Christmas, actually, and it's becoming a favorite for Katherine as well.  Although as soon as Easter was over, she started planning her Halloween costume.  She is my child after all. 


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