Weekend Recap: A Winter "Warm-up"

8:44 PM

The weather has been unseasonably mild here (thank goodness), so it was a perfect weekend for the St. Louis Cardinals Care Winter Warm-Up.  My brother and his girlfriend got us passes for Christmas, so we were excited to go since we have never been.  Katherine was pumped because she thought seeing "the Cardinals would be fun" (her exact words).  This kid is making complete sentences now.  Crazy. 

So on Saturday, we headed downtown for a little Cardinals fun.

Katherine scored a St. Louis Cardinals "magic" wand that she referred to as a "candy cane."  Jason enjoyed seeing all of the Cardinals gear and memorabilia and Katherine loved seeing Fredbird.  We left Winter Warm-Up to go eat lunch at Cardinal Nation, where two tables over sat the Dewitts, the Cardinals owners.  I casually pretended to take photos of Katherine to get them in the background.  

After lunch we took our own walking tour around Busch Stadium since it was such as nice day.

It felt like early baseball season weather outside even though the season doesn't start for another several weeks.  Seeing Katherine's excitement over the Cardinals and baseball in general certainly made her father happy.

In other news, we're enjoying our newly put together playroom (more on that later).  I bought a super comfy area rug for the room that Jason thinks is a good place to nap.  Katherine thinks differently.

We're getting ready for the week ahead.  I desperately need to restock the etsy shop and reorganize the pantry, which is overflowing with Christmas candy.  I'm going to seriously focus this week.  Probably.

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