Happy New Year!

6:31 PM

Happy New Year!  "Seasoned With Style" is officially 3 years old, and what an interesting 3 years it has been.  You can read how it all started here.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Mine was pretty uneventful.  We spent a week in Kennett, having Christmas with family. 

{Christmas morning in the Treadway house.}
{And then it snowed...a lot.}
{Sadie in the snow.}
{Then we came back home and it snowed again.}
{The best part about being back home:  opening up my favorite Christmas gift.  Thanks Santa!}
We got lots of baby items for Christmas.  Our little baby has some adorable new clothes, books, and toys.  She's not even here yet, but she's already so loved. 

Another new item around the house is a "new" chalkboard I got before Christmas.  It's made from an old window. 
{New chalkboard.}
We're 29 weeks this week.  My precious little baby is kicking like crazy these days.  She's so active that when Jason felt her move the other night, it freaked him out and he now calls her "alien baby."  Her movement is so strong now that I swear she's trying to break out. 
{29 Weeks}

Happy New Year!!  I'm excited that 2013 will bring us a daughter!

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