30 Things About Me

7:00 AM

When I turned 30, I decided to do a list of 30 things about myself for the blog.  That was 10 months ago.  At one point, I decided to wait until October and just make it "31" things about me.  Oh well.


Here we go:

1.  I'm not a procrastinator.  I work horribly under pressure.  I like to have things done early.

2.  I don't like soda.  I've never been able to drink it.

3.  I'm obsessed with everything lavender.

4.  Before I start reading a new book, I read the ending first.  I like to know what I'm getting into.  I do this with every book.  Every time.

5.  I have an irrational fear of snakes and heights.

6.  My mom was a band director.

7.  I'm the spider slayer of my house.  My husband is terrified of them.

8.  I used to have a chronic fear of giving birth.

9.  After watching the delivery scene in "The Twilight Saga:  Breaking Dawn Part 1", I decided I was ready to have a baby.  Every horrible worst case scenario I had ever imagined couldn't be as bad as giving birth to a vampire baby.  I literally threw out my birth control pills two weeks later.

10.  My favorite color is green, but almost nothing I own is actually green.

11.  I don't believe in "diets."  Make healthy choices and indulge in moderation.  Eat the cupcake.  Don't eat all the cupcakes.  

12.  I can't handle rude and inconsiderate people.

13.  Iced coffee is my jam.

14.  I can quote every line in every episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

15.  My parents recently sold the house that I grew up in.  Saddest.  Thing.  Ever.

16.  I've always wanted to live in St. Louis.  If I didn't live here, I'd want to live near the ocean.

17.  I'm embarrassingly bad at math and science.  My high school chemistry teacher gave me a C.  I didn't deserve it.  I literally think he felt sorry for me and didn't have the heart to give me a failing grade.

18.  I used to want to be a paleontologist until I found out it was in fact, science.

19.  I decided to major in fashion in college after watching the movie "Sweet Home Alabama."

20.  I made the All District Choir in high school three times.

21.  In middle school, I was trying out for cheerleading when one of the other cheerleaders told me I'd make a great "flyer."  I found out what that was and never went back to try-outs.  I ended up being a majorette where my feet stayed on the ground.  

22.  As a kid, I had a plethora of knowledge about Anne Frank, the Titanic, and Ancient Egypt.  I liked history.

23.  I hate being barefoot.  I have to have shoes or socks on at all times.

24.  I met my husband when I was a junior in high school.  He was a sophomore in college.  His first words to me were, "So you've been to Newport?"  I had just gotten back from my great-grandfather's funeral in Newport, Arkansas.

25.  I started writing a novel in middle school.  I got to high school and became too busy to finish it.  The "manuscript" is in a box in my basement.

26.  As a kid, I was an actual member of the official Reba McEntire Fan Club.  I had a membership card and a button I wore on my jacket.  No joke.  Because I was a fan club member, I also got to go back stage at one of her concerts for a meet and greet.

27.  One of my pet peeves is foot jewelry.  

28.  My car horn in high school would randomly start honking for no reason.  My dad had to disconnect the horn, so when I was driving through town, my friend would stick her head out of the window and yell "HONK" at people.

29.  Past jobs I've had include little league scoreboard keeper, lunch lady, goat wrangler, Curves consultant, sports writer for my hometown newspaper, and receptionist at the health center in college.
30.  I'd like to be a ghost hunter.

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