Staying Organized with a Toddler

8:00 AM

Trying to stay organized with a toddler in the house is like shoveling snow in the middle of a blizzard.  I've learned that there's no reason to try to "pick up" during the day, or any time Katherine is awake.  I've also learned not to stress out when the floor is cluttered with toys.  There will come a day when I'll wish Katherine was still little and left her toys in the floor. 

Because our living room is also the play room, I had to come up with a way to store items where they're out of the way, but still look like part of the décor.  What I came up with was baskets.  Lots of baskets. 

Every night, after Katherine goes to bed we pick up all of her toys.  I feel like my day starts better when the floor is clear in the morning.  Even if that means Katherine immediately gets everything out upon waking up, at least when I get up in the morning the house is clean. 

Her DVDs are kept in another basket.  Because she loves to play with the cases, we leave them to where she can get to them.  Whatever keeps her busy while I make lunch......

Extra remotes and other TV accessories are kept in another basket under the side table.  Katherine recently figured out that she can find some cool stuff in this basket, so we may have to move it. 

All blankets and extra pillows for the couch are kept in this old hamper basket.  It's the perfect size for fluffy blankets and fits next to the fire place.  And also covers up ugly TV cords!

Callie and Sammie's toys are kept in another basket behind the couch.  Katherine has learned that these are Callie and Sammie's toys and she shouldn't play with them....sort of.  We're still working on that one. 

All of Katherine's books are in her room.  We found this bookshelf and it's perfect for her room.  It's also perfect because Katherine can get to her books easily.  Of course at the end of the day, every single book is in the floor. 

Our little lady loves to empty her toy basket and bookshelf about as much as she loves to play with her toys and books.  We're working on learning to pick up our things at the end of the day.  So far, no such luck with this. 

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