Things I Said Before Becoming a Mom

8:16 PM

Before I got pregnant, I would see mothers out with their children and think "That will never be me."  I should've known better.  I've eaten my words on so many occasions, it's almost embarrassing.  What you think having a kid(s) will be like, and what it's actually like are two totally different things.  I over hear first-time pregnant ladies discussing all of the things that will and will not happen and I smile to myself.  I was once that girl.  I don't think I was as naive as some, but I did have my expectations.    

Here are some things I said before becoming a mom:

"I will not wear yoga pants every day of the week."
I pretty much started wearing yoga pants every day of the week from day one.  I, like most women who have recently given birth, wanted nothing more than to wear comfortable stretchy pants.  Yoga pants or sweatpants were my best friend for obvious reasons at first, but as the months passed I realized that I was: a) Not leaving the house very often so why not be comfortable, and b)  I was trying to keep up with a growing and curious little human so I needed to be dressed for "physical activity."  I've learned there are ways to "dress up" yoga pants (if you can even call it that).
{My daily uniform.  Notice the still unchanged "39 Weeks" chalkboard.}
I'm not ashamed to be one of the "those" moms out at Target at 10:00 in the morning wearing  yoga pants (while buying diapers and pumpkin flavored things and drinking iced coffee from Starbucks....I'm a walking stereotype now).  Which leads me to the next thing I said before.....

"I will not wear a top knot every day of the week."
Notice the top knot in the photo above?  While in the beginning I tried to fix my hair each day, I soon learned that it isn't even worth the effort some days (or in my case, most days) with all of the running around and chasing a toddler.  I recently made a rule of wearing my hair down at least three days a week to change it up and motivate myself, kind of like my own "Plastics" rule.  We may even start wearing pink on Wednesdays.  

"I will shower every day."
This one actually stuck from day one.  I refused to "let myself go" after having a baby and made it a priority to clean up every day no matter how tired I was.  Disclaimer:  I didn't actually wash my hair every day.

"It's only 10:30p.m."
This now sounds like "It's 9:00pm already?  How did it get so late?!"  No explanation needed.

"I will not be a stay at home mom."
This decision was sort of made for me when my work hours were cut way back around month 8 of my pregnancy.  After much thought and deliberation, Jason and I decided I wouldn't return after having the baby.  The department that I worked in is now no longer in existence.  While I never intended to stay home with Katherine, it has been such a blessing and I'm so thankful that I get to be with her each day.    

"I will get everything done on my to-do list in a timely and efficient manner."
It's next to impossible to get anything done when a tiny temperamental human calls all of the shots.  I've learned to take it all in stride and do the best I can, even if it means the list isn't completed each day.  I now make a list of "goals" for the week ahead.    

"My child will be well behaved, polite, and an all around perfect angel."  
Did you know that each child has their own personality?  Well it's true.  My child likes to do things her own way and in her own time.  Sometimes she doesn't want to sit still or be quiet or let mommy get ready in the morning.  I swear some days she's just out to destroy me.  Other days, she is that perfect sweet angel.

Being a mother is the best thing I've ever done, and every day is a learning experience.  Just when I think I've got it figured out, something new is thrown at me.  I doubt any parent really ever has it all figured out.    

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