Playroom Makeover

7:30 AM

I mentioned shortly after Christmas about the abundance of toys we've accumulated lately.  It's hard to believe someone who isn't even 2 yet has so many possessions.

This is what Katherine's room looked like after Christmas:

I felt like our spare bedroom was a waste of a room.  We never went in there.  Jason was the only one who frequented this room because it was where he got dressed for work.  With Katherine's room and our living room overflowing, it was time to make some changes.

As soon as things calmed down after the new year, I started working on turning our spare bedroom into a playroom.  I picked out a new paint color (light grey) and got to work.  We took everything out of the room except for the bed.  I found this fabulous white shag rug for the floor, my dad put a new ceiling fan with overhead light in, and I bought this toy organizer.  The whole project took a couple of days once we got the ball rolling.

 I love this toy organizer from Target because it's light weight, stores a ton of toys. and is easy for Katherine to get to and get her toys out.  It also makes clean-up a snap.

I brought the metal basket that used to hold toys in our living room into the playroom to leave room for Katherine's play kitchen that stays in the living room.

I bought this canvas print at a resale shop a couple of years ago and finally found a place to hang it.

There's really nothing else hanging on the walls yet.  I'm still looking for the perfect pieces to add to this room.  This may eventually be Katherine's bedroom, so I don't want to go to too much trouble to decorate if I'm going to eventually redo this room anyway.  We kept the spare bed in this room because: a) we didn't have another place to put it, b) it gives Jason and I a place to sit when we're in the playroom with Katherine, and c) this is my current "office."

That's right.  My office space is in the playroom on the spare bed.  I work "dorm room" style.   So far, it's working for me and I haven't taken too many naps when I'm supposed to be working.

Needless to say, Katherine loves her new playroom and spends lots of time in there.  It's a disaster area most of the time.  I try to pick up and reorganize this room at least once a week.

I'm glad to finally have a space where Katherine can play or color or do whatever.  It's also a great room to take naps when Katherine is napping.  Not that I ever do that.

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