Valentine's and Snow Days

7:30 AM

I hope you all had a wonderful and lovely Valentine's Day!  We kept it pretty simple around here (like we do most years).

Saturday morning, Katherine opened her Valentine's (with crazy wild bedhead), and of course did some dancing in the living room.

Katherine and I then met my mom for brunch, but not before stopping in at Barnes and Noble for some book browsing (and purchasing).  If you know my daughter, you know that she loves loves books.  

When Jason got home from work later, we had our family Valentine dinner at Jason's (and Katherine's) favorite restaurant.  It was the perfect Valentine's date.

Valentine's Day was followed by frigid temps and snow, which I was actually excited for since our last snow was back before Thanksgiving.  We spent Monday morning eating cinnamon rolls and watching Frozen, before heading out to play in the snow.

I know you haven't seen enough photos this week of kids playing in the snow, so here's some more:

Katherine had so much fun in the snow.  Of course, she danced in the snow.  Because that's what she does.  She dances.

It looks like the cold temps are sticking around this week.  I can't complain too much because it's been a fairly mild winter for us so far.  I mean, last week we were playing outside in 70 degree weather.

We're busy planning our second (second?!) birthday around here and waiting anxiously for spring.  And recovering from a long snowy weekend.

Happy Tuesday friends!

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