House Hunting: An Update

7:00 PM

A lot has happened since my last post about our house hunt.  What seemed like an endless array of disappointing transactions, would only get worse before it got better.

Just a few days after my last house hunt post, we found another house we loved.  It was huge, but needed lots of work.  We gave what we and our realtor thought was a generous offer for a house in such disrepair, but again, the sellers countered with a very proud offer that we just couldn't do.  So we walked away.  Again.

A few days after that, we found another house we liked.  We were the first to see it and the first to put an offer in.  Unfortunately, other buyers were interested and the sellers decided to wait another 24 hours to review all offers.  In the end, there were two offers considered:  ours and one other.  The sellers chose the other offer.

While we were eating lunch one day and discussing the previous home purchase attempts, a new house popped up on our website.  After only viewing it on our phones, we immediately called our realtor to make an appointment to look at it.  This house was by far our favorite so far.  Again we were the very first to see it, getting there literally a couple of hours after it went officially for sale.  We fell in love with the house and again were the very first to put an offer in (and a very aggressive offer I might add).  Again, there was a lot of interest in this house so the sellers of this house also decided to wait another 24 hours for all offers to be considered.  So, we waited.  Again.  The next day, our realtor called to see what the offers were looking like and was told that other offers were very competitive.  So we upped our game, offering almost $10,000 over list price.  I was literally a nervous wreck waiting to hear if we got this house.  We loved it so much.  At 7pm that night, we found out we did not get the house.

Literally the second we found out that we didn't get our "dream house," we put an offer in on another house that we had seen that day.  Once again, we were outbid and lost the house.

On a whim, we circled back around to a house that we had already looked at.  We really liked this house the first time we saw it, but for whatever reason we passed on it initially.  We went to see this  house one more time, and for some reason this time when we stepped through the door, it felt right.  Katherine went with us to see this house and she seemed to like it too.  She even picked out what room she wanted to be hers.  It felt right, so we said a prayer and decided to go for it.

Again, we put an offer in on a house.  This time, it took.  We finally bought a house.  We close in a few weeks.


This house is farther west than I originally wanted, and it's a little more "rural" than I wanted, but it feels right.  This crazy stressful journey will soon be over and a new (slightly more settled) one will begin.


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