New House Tour: "The Cardinal Basement"

6:36 PM

We've been in our new house for almost a year now, and I'm finally ready to share the details of our "Cardinal Basement."  This finished basement was a major selling point for us on this house, and because Jason is a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan, this was the perfect "man cave" for him. 

The previous owners designed this basement so we really can't take credit for any of the design details.  They also had way more Cardinals memorabilia (and much more expensive/cool items than we have).  We were lucky enough for them to leave their Cardinals Fatheads on the walls. 

We simply put our own small touches (like furniture and our sad collection of Cardinals gear) to make this the perfect family room.  There's still work to be done, like more/better bar stools and deciding what can go in the empty space by "Yadi."  The walls could use some more pictures too. 

Without making this post more wordy than it needs to be, I give you "The Cardinal Basement":

See the rest of our finished basement here and here

Since writing this post, we saw a super affordable 7 foot trampoline during a trip to Sam's Club.  We decided this would be a good investment and it would give Katherine something to do during the cold/rainy days when she can't go outside. 

Behold, the newest addition to the basement:

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