New House Tour: Katherine's Playroom

7:00 AM

Aside from the St. Louis Cardinals basement (which we'll get to in a later post), a main selling point when buying our house was the (already established) playroom.  It's like it was tailor made for Katherine. 

Located in the basement, this beautifully decorated playroom is any little girl's dream.  We literally didn't have to do a single thing to this room, but fill it with all of Katherine's toys. 

Here's a look at Katherine's new playroom:

It of course never looks this clean, and pretty much stays in a constant state of chaos, but it's Katherine's room.  Most of her toys stay in this room instead of in her bedroom, making clean up a lot easier.   

Also, when we bought the house I never imagined we'd actually fill this room.  I didn't think Katherine had enough toys to fill it up.  I was obviously wrong.   

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