A Photo Every Hour: Sunday (Father's Day)

12:53 PM

Yesterday was Father's Day, and we spent as much of it with Jason as we could before he had to go to work later that afternoon.  Katherine proudly picked out a t-shirt for him from his favorite pizza place, along with a goofy Father's Day card featuring a dancing, singing toilet on it. 

Here's how our Father's Day went down:

7:30am - The calm before the storm

8:30am - Jason's Father's Day presents  (On a side note, have you ever seen a Mother's Day card featuring a toilet?  Probably not.  Dad humor.)

9:30am - Breakfast

10:30am - Church

11:30am - Jason's ready for lunch

12:30pm - Father's Day lunch at Jason's (and Katherine's) favorite pizza place

 1:30pm - FaceTiming with Papaw

 2:30pm - Time for a quick Sunday nap

3:30pm - Grandpa's Father's Day cake brought to you by Katherine's help and The Pioneer Woman's cookbook

4:30pm - Quick beverage stop

5:30pm - Time with Grandpa

6:30pm - Dinner and dessert

7:30pm - Art time

8:30pm - Headed home

9:30pm - Nightly rituals

10:30pm - And that's a wrap

Katherine was so excited about Father's Day.  She kept Jason's presents a secret for almost a whole week and only told him about them the day before Father's Day this year.  I couldn't ask for a better father for Katherine.  Jason is truly the best.  We love him so much and we're so lucky to have him! 

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