Antique Wardrobe Makeover + Coupon Code

1:54 PM

When we bought our first house a few years ago, we inherited an old antique wardrobe that was left in the basement by the previous owners.  It sat empty for a while, then eventually was filled with random stuff.  I really liked it, but never really found a purpose for it.  When we moved last December, I couldn't bare to part with it.  We hauled it to our storage unit, then later into our new house. 

I really wanted to use it for something, but it's rickety demeanor was obvious and I wasn't sure how much life it had left in it.  The wooden rod to hang things on was holding on by a thread, so I decided to turn the whole thing into a cabinet. 

After a little demolition, some paint, a little decoupage, and new knobs, my new cabinet was ready to go. 

Because it is in the basement (again), it made the perfect cabinet to house board games and puzzles.

Does anyone else out there still own the old 90's Mall Madness game??  It's still awesome!  The items you can buy are so nostalgic. 

A n y w a y....

Over at the etsy shop, we've hit 500 sales!  As a thank you to all of my customers, I'm offering a 10% discount now through Friday (July 1).  Just use coupon code: SWS500 at checkout for discount. 

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