The Merry Month of May

7:00 AM

As promised, it's June 1 and I'm back.  I took a short break last month because of miscellaneous items on our life to-do list, one being moving into our new house.   

First of all, how is it June already? 

Actually, I know how it's June already.  May was an absolute blur.  I don't remember most of it. 

I'll quickly enlighten you on how the month of May went down:

We took a trip to Branson the first week of May and met Jason's parents there.  Katherine got to visit Mommy's college (Missouri State), eat at Lambert's Cafe, go to a college baseball game, play miniature golf, see half of a Branson show, experience Silver Dollar City, and visit her favorite indoor water park. 

We were back in town just in time for Mother's Day.
Five days later, we closed on our new house and moved in that day.  Actually, we just moved our beds and clothes in that day.  Our actual stuff didn't arrive until the following Monday, so it was "picnics" on the floor until then. 

Three days after that was our nephew's high school graduation, so we made a super quick trip to see him walk across the stage.  We had to be back home the next day so that our new (and out-of-stock) refrigerator could be delivered. 
Katherine's end-of-year gymnastics ceremony was a few days later, where she officially graduated from "mommy-and-me" classes.

With everything officially back in our house and in our possession, we've spent the rest of every second of every day unpacking and getting things in order around the house.  We've tried out new churches in the area and we're attempting to get used to our new town. 

Katherine has been a real champ throughout this process.  A lot has changed for her, but her new swing set in her new backyard has helped her feel at home.  Her awesome new playroom hasn't  been too bad either.  She also received a warm welcome from the neighborhood kids, who she likes playing with. 

I'll slowly have pictures of the new house up at some point, once things calm down (if they ever do).  I've got tons of new projects to share as well as new recipes and such, so stay tuned.

Also, today the Etsy shop is back open!  I'll have some new items to post there shortly. 

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