Water Baby

1:56 PM

Our first trip to the pool didn't go as planned.  The water was cold, the air was chilly, and the sun refused to shine.  We're hoping for better weather next time.  But before we head back to Kennett for round two, we're practicing in our own private pool in the backyard. 

Despite the look on her face, she is being placed gently in cool water.  She thinks we're trying to kill her.   

{Bathing beauty.}

{She finally decided it wasn't so bad.}

{She was much happier just sitting beside the pool.}

It turned out, she'd rather just sit by the pool than be in it.  She literally sat beside the pool for the next 20 minutes, as happy as can be.  She looked stinking cute regardless.

It was on the next try, that she truly started to enjoy herself.  I don't know if she finally realized we weren't trying to kill her or if she figured out she could splash.  Either way, there's hope for my water baby after all. 
{Is that a.....smile?}

{Just another day in the pool.}

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