Year of Chocolate Desserts: June & July

9:56 PM

It was back in January that I had the great idea to make all twelve of the "A Year of Chocolate Desserts" from my January/February issue of Everyday with Rachael Ray magazine. 

I managed to make each month's dessert on time (even while being pregnant, giving birth, having an infant to care for, etc.), until now.  I'm not going to lie when I say I completely forgot about June and July's desserts. 

Because I can't stand to have an "incomplete" in anything, I trudged on to make the next two desserts. 

I probably chose to forget about the desserts because June's dessert was Cocoa-Cinnamon Sorbet.  I hate cinnamon.  I wanted to skip this one all together, but like I said I can't not complete something.  Even if it's cinnamon.  Honestly, the Cocoa-Cinnamon Sorbet wasn't terrible.  I could barely taste the cinnamon, and it was a nice cool treat on a hot day.  Overall, not bad despite it's appearance.
{June:  Cocoa-Cinnamon Sorbet}
July's dessert is Smoky Road Fudge.  I really liked this one.  It was a perfect summer version of fudge with a s'mores/rocky road like flavor.   
{July:  Smoky Road Fudge}
Because I've randomly mentioned the desserts here and there over the past six months, I compiled all of the desserts so far this year.
{January:  One-Bowl Mocha Cake}
{February:  Cran-Raspberry Truffles}
{March:  Hot Fudge Easter Sundaes}

{April:  Chocolate Cookie Stacks with Lemon Cream}
{May:  Classic Egg Cream}

So far, my favorite has been the One-Bowl Mocha Cake, I made a complete mess of the Chocolate Cookie Stacks, and my least favorite was the Cocoa-Cinnamon Sorbet (naturally).  I feel a sense of accomplishment until I realize that it's already almost time for August's dessert.  Maybe I'll stay on top of this project from now on.  Probably not. 

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