Thanksgiving Recap

11:45 PM

I can't even begin to describe how blessed I feel this year.  We have been blessed beyond measure this year and I am so thankful. 

Our beautiful baby daughter was born this year, happy and healthy.  Jason was recently promoted at work (and also finally got a new "company car").  And while I ended up quitting my job earlier this year, I've managed to sustain a successful at-home business to help out financially.  For the first time in years, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

I worried and fretted about quitting my job.  My hours at work had been cut, and it was becoming clear that I wouldn't be getting the salary (and promotion) I had hoped for.  It was a hard decision, but it made more sense to just walk away.  Still, I worried.  How would we get by with less money coming in and a baby to take care of?  Would we still be able to pay our bills?  Would you believe that, for the most part, I haven't noticed the decrease in income?  We've cut back on a lot of things and don't go out as much as we did, but this makes us appreciate what we actually do get to do.  I am so thankful to God for taking such good care of us, even when I doubted Him.

Living on a smaller income has opened my eyes to what is really important.  I'm thankful for that too.  If you had told me a year ago I would be thankful for less money, I would have never believed it.  Life is different, but life is better.

Now, enough of the mushy stuff.  We had a great Thanksgiving with our families in Kennett.  I'm so thankful that Katherine got to see almost all of her family in one weekend. 

{Up too early on Thanksgiving.  Her daddy has this same look in the morning.}

{Eating Thanksgiving lunch.}

{With her Mimi, Great-Granny Lu, and Great-Granny Dot.}
Before he died, my grandfather made wooden rocking chairs for my future kids, and my brother's future kids.  One rocking chair for each of us.  He died almost ten years ago.  Katherine got to sit in her chair for the first time on Thanksgiving.  Her great-grandfather made it just for her.
{In her new chair.}

{First family Thanksgiving picture.}
 The next day was Thanksgiving #2.
{Spending time with Aunt Steph.}

{Playtime with Daddy at Nana's.}

We had lots and lots of yummy food.  I made my famous peanut butter fudge pie (recipe here).  I'm always so happy when Katherine gets to spend time with her family.

We've got a crazy busy week ahead so I'm glad we got to relax with family.   Even if it was just for a couple of days. 

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