2014 In Review

4:25 PM

Welcome 2015!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.  While I'm a little sad to see 2014 go, I'm anxious to see what 2015 holds.

Here's a little recap of our 2014:

January and February brought super cold weather, Valentine's Day cuteness, sickness throughout our entire household, and more cold weather.  Blah.

In March our sweet girl turned one year old!  We celebrated Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, and more cold weather.
April brought Easter fun and finally the ability to go outside and play.

What a summer it was!  We took a family trip to Branson and I showed Katherine my alma mater, Missouri State University.  We played outside a lot, celebrated the 4th of July and Aunt Rita's birthday, and did some DIY projects.  We visited the zoo, Grant's Farm, food trucks in the park, and The Magic House.  Our neighborhood had a block party, my ballet studio had a performance, and we went to a few St. Louis Cardinals games.

At the end of August, I said goodbye to my childhood home in Kennett.  
September brought home organization and lots of apples.  We also attended a family reunion in Arkansas.

We had lots of Halloween fun in October!  We baked cookies, and trick or treated.  I hit the winery with some friends, then turned 31 on the 31st.  

We had our first official snow of the season in November, and hosted our first Thanksgiving in our house.  I also showed off my ugly Thanksgiving sweater.

December had Christmas ballet, Santa visits, more cookie baking, and lots of Christmas fun.  We also had our family photos taken.  

I can't believe how much Katherine has changed in a year!

We have been so blessed this year.  The latter part of 2014 brought some challenges to our family and to our city.  I can only hope for peace and understanding in 2015.

I can't wait to share our Christmas recap with you.  I know.  Christmas recap in January?  I'm a terrible blogger.  Stay tuned....

Seasoned With Style turns 5 this month!  I can't believe it.  I hope to bring you more DIY projects, recipes, and other fun posts in the coming year.  Thanks for being a supportive reader!

Happy New Year!

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