Etsy Finds: January Edition

8:00 AM

I love sharing with you things I find on Etsy, and helping an Etsy business get recognition.  I usually do a lot of Christmas shopping on Etsy, and this year was no different.

This year, I got my brother these raw honey samples for Christmas.

{Photo:  Honeyrun Farm}
He uses a lot of honey and these were the perfect sample sizes, to not overwhelm him.  What caught my eye about these honeys was the different harvest times.  The honey will taste different based on what time of the year it was harvested.  I would definitely recommend checking out this cute shop on Etsy!  (Plus shipping was crazy fast!)

Another shop I love is The Jane Soap Company.  I've used their scrubs and lip balms before and loved them, so I got my brother's girlfriend some "Chocolate Covered Strawberry" lip balm for Christmas.  (And this one for myself!)

If you live in St. Louis, you can also find The Jane Soap Company products at The Foundrie.

I use my iPad in the kitchen a lot to use recipes via Pinterest.  So I was super excited when I got this kitchen iPad holder for Christmas.

It came from Our Sweet Home Alabama, and I absolutely love it.  It makes using an iPad in the kitchen so much easier and it takes up very little counter space.

Last but not least, my favorite Etsy shop (ever, probably) is cristin rae.  I've bought several things from her over the years, in fact when I finally met her at a craft fair she recognized my name from all the orders I had made.

I picked out this scarf before the holidays, and was super excited to get it for Christmas.  This is my second (maybe third?) one of her knitted scarves and I love them!

It's so fun to browse Etsy and find new things that you love.  It's even better when you're helping out another small business owner.  Plus, Etsy finds always make unique gifts!

This post was not sponsored.

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