What I'm Loving: July

7:00 AM

I've been pretty preoccupied cleaning out our basement over the past couple of weeks, and I'm still at least a few days away from actually finishing this hellish project.  Since moving into our house almost four years ago, we've managed to fill our basement with lots of random things.  I added to the chaos when I brought home boxes and boxes of stuff from my parents' house when they sold it.  While organizing the cluster that is our basement, I realized it was half way through July and I hadn't even started thinking about my July list of favorites.  Fortunately, this list came easy.  

Books.  I'm finishing up The Mended Heart Bible Study, and I recently read most of The Girl on the Train (After waiting on the library wait list for two months, I apparently only had two weeks to finish the book...which I did not.  I couldn't renew it and had to return it to avoid a late fee.  Whatever.  I'm not bitter about it.  I just never got to finish the book and refuse to buy a book I've already read half of.  It's the principal, but I digress.), and can't wait to read the new Harper Lee book.  

I rescued this Tory Burch bag from the trash when I worked at a resale shop several years ago.  It was in pretty bad shape, but after running it through the washing machine it looked brand new.  It's been my go-to pool bag ever since.  

I always use straws.  Like, for every drink.  So I love these neon straws for summer.

I'm not much of a hat person.  I rarely wear them, and when I do I feel silly.  I haven't bought a new hat in years, but when I saw this one at Target the other day I decided to give hats another go.  I think this will be a great hat to wear on our upcoming beach trip.  

We've taken Katherine to two movies over the past couple of weeks.  It's actually a perfect activity when the temperatures outside are 90s+.  Every morning Katherine asks if we're going back to the movie theater.  The girl loves her some movies.   

I love this July weather.  If it's not storming/raining, it's either 65 degress or 112.  At least there's no snow.  

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