2015 In Review

7:30 AM

It seems like 2015 flew by, and I can't believe it's already time to ring in another new year.  We would've never guessed this time last year, that we'd sell our house and be living with my parents at the end of 2015, but here we are.

Here's a quick recap of how 2015 went down:

In January, I made a wreath, found cute things on Etsy, we went to St. Louis Cardinals Winter Warm-Up, I cursed in a Christian bookstore, and Jason and I celebrated 8 years of marriage.

In February, we redecorated the guest room into a play room, played inside, played outside, made a cake, and played in the snow.  I also showed off outfits purchased at Goodwill.

March brought birthdays, Easter eggs, Frozen On Ice, more snow, and projects in the kitchen.

We celebrated Easter in April, as well as worked on some projects around the house.  We played outside in the warm weather, and Katherine also got glasses.

In May, we went to Branson, I shared my recipe for Meat Sauce on garlic toast, revealed our bathroom re-do, and celebrated Mother's Day.

In June, we visited local attractions, celebrated Father's Day, and I had my June ballet performance.  Katherine also had surgery in June.

We celebrated the 4th of July the next month.  I also made a delicious pie and we did some visiting in Arkansas and in the Bootheel.

August brought a trip to Florida and I posted my first hair tutorial.

In September, I got a haircut and tried ThredUp.

In October, I tried Stitch Fix and we did lots of fun Halloween stuff!

In November we celebrated Thanksgiving (which I got zero pictures of....mom fail), we packed a box for Operation Christmas Child, and talked garages.  We also sold our house.

December was an absolute blur with our house selling, the new owners wanting in on December 30, and let's not forget about Christmas.  Yikes.  Somehow we made it through.  Somehow.  We baked cookies, packed up the house, moved everything we own to a storage unit, saw Santa, visited Main Street in St. Charles, I retired from ballet, and we had our final Christmas in our house.

I'm excited to see what 2016 brings.  Hopefully a new house.

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