Christmas Lights, Santa, Baking, and Moving

7:00 AM

We've been charging through our Christmas to-do list, which always includes a visit with Santa, a trip to see the Christmas lights at Tilles Park, and holiday baking.  Even with our house selling, and inspections, and appraisals, and packing, and more packing, I've tried to keep the Christmas spirit.  We're checking off our Christmas family fun check list, with holiday activities and I'm trying not to get too nostalgic about moving out of our house right after Christmas.

We took Katherine to see Santa this week, and it was the most precious thing I've ever seen.  Though she was hesitant at first, as soon as Santa turned to greet her Katherine immediately went to him and sat on his lap.  Because we were the only ones there at the time, Katherine was able to sit and talk with Santa for several minutes.  She told him her name, how old she was, her love of garages, that she wanted Halloween toys for Christmas, and then she pointed out the escalators located just above them in the mall.

After a lengthy discussion, Santa and Katherine smiled for the camera and we said our goodbyes.  Santa walked us to the escalators where he waved at us as we rode up.  Katherine was so excited.

Later, Katherine and I baked Christmas cookies.  We used cookie mixes this year because ain't nobody got time for that this year.  Katherine was so helpful in the kitchen and was more than willing to taste test her creations.  She'll also tell you what a good baker she is.

When we're not baking or doing something Christmasy, we've been busy packing and moving boxes into our new storage unit.  Because we're moving west, but don't have a house yet, we're moving in with my parents after Christmas.  So there's that.  Katherine is more than willing to make multiple trips over the bridge to the storage unit, which contains lots of garages.  This kid loves garages.  (I mentioned this before here.) 

It's been a bittersweet time around here, with the packing and moving during this already busy time.  I know we will make it through, but this month has been tough.  And it's only the 7th of the month.

And hopefully our neighbor stops ringing our doorbell every single day during nap time, to ask if we've seen her missing cat (which we've told her numerous times we haven't seen).  I'm sorry her cat is missing.  I haven't seen it.  I'll let her know if I do see it.  What else can I do?  STOP.  RINGING.  THE. DOORBELL.  I realize I may be stressed right now, but seriously.  I can't.

Anyway.  Happy Holidays?  

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