Living with the 'Rents

7:00 AM

If you had told me at any point in my life that at the age of 32, I'd be living with my parents along with my husband, two-year-old daughter, and two dogs, I would have said there was no way.  But, here we are.  It has been an adjustment to say the least.  You can imagine how the combining of two households (who each do things differently) could be challenging.

Example:  As I'm trying to sneak a snack in the pantry closet, my dad walks by and says "Oh!  Eating a candy bar?!"  Then I hear "Candy?!" followed by little running footsteps.  

Even more challenging is finding a place for all of our stuff on top of what my parents already have.  I feel bad that their brand new house is completely taken over.  For example, there's a castle in the dining room.

While Jason and I didn't have a huge bedroom at our old house, it was a decent size so fitting all of our clothes and things into an average size "guest" bedroom has been fun.  At one point during the unpacking process we finally just said screw it and left everything piled in boxes, shoving them into the corners of the room.

I now share a closet with Katherine, which isn't so bad since she doesn't have many hang up clothes, as long as I don't mind stepping on tiny toys while getting dressed.  Katherine loves her new room and most of her stuff fits into her bigger-than-she-had room.

One challenge has been finding a place to work on blog and etsy stuff.  I'm currently working in an "as-is/where-is" state.

Speaking of "where-is," we've enjoyed playing the daily game of "where is the _____?"  The item in question is either a) in a box somewhere in my parents' house or b) in a box somewhere in the storage unit.  If it turns out that the item is in the storage unit, then it's time to either a) cut your losses and forget about the item or b) go out and buy the item new at the store.  Case in point, Jason couldn't find his hair clippers.  After looking "everywhere," he determined that his hair clippers must have ended up in the storage unit.  After buying new clippers, he found his old clippers tucked neatly under the bathroom sink.  An obvious place to put them.

The house hunt has been steadily disappointing.  We've scoured the web and actually gone to several showings with no luck so far.  I'm not sure what some people are thinking when they list their houses for sale.  One should at least remove the kitty litter from the floor and dishes from the sink before posting photos online.  No one wants to look at your house to buy it if it looks like it smells like old food and cat feces.  Also, if you're taking photos for your home listing, make sure Cousin Lanny isn't sitting on the couch munching on a sandwich at the ol' TV tray.  No one wants to see a man eating in your listing photo.  One last thing: You may love the idea of lime green walls and blue marble floors, but others may not.  Price your home accordingly or invest in a new home decor palette.  I can't.

Thanks for letting me rant and vent on this fine day.  Now there's some Inside Out bedding in the laundry room calling my name thanks to a certain two-year-old who won't use the potty.

I always jokingly said that the movie Post Grad was my life story, but it's becoming a little more true every day.

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