Purple Hair and Chick-fil-A: A Life Update

4:36 PM

There hasn't been a whole lot going on around here lately.  I feel like I spend most of February wishing for spring, and that's definitely happening now as the snow falls outside.  

I've mentioned before that I'm not brave about changing my look, and I over think things to the point of talking myself out of them all together.  I'd probably never get a tattoo.  I don't dye my hair.  Even my wardrobe has become more and more neutral and safe.  Every time I leave the house, I'm always around other moms now.  They're at the store, at gymnastics class, at story time at the library, at Chick-fil-A.......

I see all of the different kinds of moms and I think I could totally pull off that look.

Enter the purple hair dye.  Like I said, I don't dye my hair.  But when I saw a mom with purple streaks in her hair, I decided to be brave and do something out of the norm for me.  I decided I wanted to add purple streaks to my hair.  Two months later I bought a box of purple hair color.  A week after that I thought about it some more.  A few days later, I added purple streaks to my hair.

It turns out, I'm not that cool mom with purple streaks in her hair.  I immediately felt self-conscience about it and felt like everyone was judging my parenting skills based on my crazy hair color.  In reality, my purple streaks are barely even noticeable, and they're already washing out thankfully.

The only "cool" mom who's style I can pull off is my own.  Or Kate Middleton.  I'm crazy like that.  

In other news, Monday was my grandmother's birthday and though she's not the most tech savvy 86-year-old, we were still able to FaceTime with her to tell her happy birthday.  Like I said, she's not the most tech savvy (and who is at her age), so she holds her iPad upside down when she's using it so the camera is chest level.  We had a captivating conversation with her right boob.

And lastly, between the snow and frigid temps and needing to get out of my parents' house for a couple of hours, we've been going to Chick-fil-A.  A lot.  We go at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Katherine can run off some steam in the play area and I can sit with free wifi.  It's a win-win.  We go so often that the lady who takes our order has started to recognize us, and I'm beginning to base our house search on it's proximity to a nearby Chick-fil-A.  So when I came across this YouTube video, I knew I wasn't the only one.  Enjoy this super cheesy parody that sums up my life.  

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