Nursery DIY

9:08 AM

As I've mentioned before, many things in the nursery are handmade or DIY projects.  My mom has been very helpful in making items for the nursery.  Without her, I would have definitely gone insane trying to make and do everything.

{My mom made this 30 years ago.  It hung in my nursery when I was a baby.  Now it's in Katherine's nursery.}

{This is one of my mom's newest creations.  It's a crystal mobile that hangs in front of the window in the nursery.}

{I received this scrapbook/photo album at my baby shower in Kennett.  It was made by my former 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Hook.  I LOVE it.}
{This was a Pinterest project.  Scraps of fabric and embroidery hoops.}
{My grandfather made this changing table 30 years ago for me.  It was in my nursery and my brother's.  Now it's in Katherine's.  He also made a matching cradle which is currently in our bedroom.}

Up until this month, I've felt like this pregnancy was the longest on record.  I feel like I've been pregnant for 2 years.  All of a sudden, it's February.  Now I feel like time is flying by.  My baby will be here before we know it.  

{36 Weeks}

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