8 Months

4:25 PM

Where is the time going?  Katherine is already 8 months old, and I literally can't believe it.  She's growing and changing so much each day.  She's also starting to get her own attitude and personality.  Those chubby, kissable cheeks are disappearing by the day and it makes me so sad.  She loves laughing, reaching for iPhones, taking off her socks, watching videos, sharing her slobber covered toys, and she loves loves her daddy.

{8 Months}

{I'm not sure why I got this look.}

{Months 1-4}
{Months 5-8}

Before we know it, she'll be a year old.  I feel like these last few months will fly by even quicker than the first eight did.  With the hustle and bustle of the holidays coming up, it will be March before we know it.  Let "Operation:  First Birthday Bash" planning begin. 

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