8 Years

7:30 AM

Jason and I got married 8 years ago today.  I can't believe how time seems to have flown by, considering we've technically been together for 14 years.  Here's a quick rundown of our life together:

We first met on New Year's Eve in 2000 through mutual friends at a party.  He was a college sophomore baseball player and I was a junior in high school.  I know.  We had attended the same high school for one year together, but had never met.  You could say we ran in different circles.  After our first meeting, we spent the next 5 months getting to know each other long distance.  We made it official in May of 2001.  Jason moved back to town and I started my senior year of high school.

{In 2001.  We look like babies.}
When I graduated from high school, I moved to Springfield to attend college and Jason followed shortly after.  In 2004, Jason started a new job that lead him to St. Louis.
{Engagement photos 2006}
On New Year's Eve 2005, Jason proposed in front of the Arch.
{Right after Jason proposed.}
In 2006, I graduated college and planned a wedding.  We got married in January of 2007 and honeymooned in Cancun.

{Our wedding day 2007}

{Honeymoon 2007}
We've had our ups and downs in the last 8 years.  Our best "up" was definitely the birth of our daughter, Katherine.  
{With baby Katherine 2013}
Jason is a great husband and an amazing dad.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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