DIY Valentines for Around the House

7:30 AM

With January almost over, it's time to bring a little color to the house.  And by color, I mean red.  I love Valentine's Day.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's the first big holiday of the year, but it's not so big that you have to stress over it (or at least we don't at our house).  I've also been in a crafty mood lately so our house got a Valentine's makeover this week.

While perusing the fabric section at Hobby Lobby one day, I fell in love with this black and white striped fabric with gold dots.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it, but I wanted to use it for something.  Then, the idea just came to me.  I wanted to use it for a throw pillow and add a red heart to the front.  

{Numbers pillow cover:  Hobby Lobby}

I love love the way the pillow turned out.  I might just leave it on the couch permanently after Valentine's Day is over.  (You can see my previous DIY pillow tutorial here.)

Our door hanger really isn't a DIY, but I did find it at Hobby Lobby a few years ago.  It looks DIYish and it came from a craft store....

Oh, how I love paper garlands.  I have them for just about every holiday and occasion.  One of my favorites is my heart-shaped Valentine garland.  (For DIY info on this project, go here.)

During the same Hobby Lobby trip as the fabric purchase, I noticed the paper mache letters were 50% off.  So, I scooped some up and grabbed some red paint and the "LOVE" mantel piece was born. 

I love these letters and you can paint them any color.  They really made our Valentine mantel come together without cluttering it up with a lot of things.  

{Red jar candle holder:  Hobby Lobby}
We're ready for Valentine's Day around here.  I'm trying to savor every moment because once Valentine's Day is over, it's time to start planning for the big 2nd birthday.  My baby is growing up!

Despite the obnoxious amount of times I mentioned Hobby Lobby, this post was not sponsored.

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