Easter Shenanigans

2:09 PM

I had every intention of having a very productive week last week, until the sickness fairy paid us a visit.  Everyone in our house had the sniffles all week, and thankfully Katherine was feeling better by Easter weekend.

On Saturday we headed to my brother's church for an Easter egg hunt and a visit with the Easter Bunny.  Despite the blank look on her face throughout the following photos, Katherine actually did have a great time.  She was actually really excited about seeing the Easter Bunny as well.  She probably would've sat there on his lap all day if we'd let her.  But no smiles for the camera.  At all.  The church had a small bounce house set up for little kids that Katherine loved.  We actually couldn't get her out of it.  Jason almost had to crawl in and get her.

At the end of the day, she couldn't stop talking about Easter eggs, the Easter Bunny, the bounce house, and seeing her Mimi, Grandpa, aunt, and uncle.

The Easter Bunny came Sunday morning and left Katherine lots of goodies.  Jason was working on Easter again this year, so our "family" Easter picture was just Katherine and I.  We headed off to church, where we met my mom and dad.  Afterwards we hosted Easter lunch at our house when Jason got home from work.

You may have noticed Katherine is now wearing glasses.  At her two year check up, the doctor noticed one of her eyes moving in when she focused on things up close.  She's now wearing glasses to try and correct the problem.  Trying to get a toddler to keep their glasses on is no easy task.  She's done surprisingly well so far.  She also gets lots of extra attention when we go out in public.  Toddlers in glasses are an attention getter.

I'm hoping we have a sickness free week this week with lots of productivity, as we recover from our Easter excitement.

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