My Favorite Shirt

7:00 AM

Do you have that favorite piece of clothing that you've had forever and still wear?  Jason and I were recently discussing his love of a certain yellow sweater that he wears every time we go out on the town.  He's worn it to every special occasion since 2010.

He and I couldn't be more different when it comes to clothes.  He never shops and holds on to clothing he's had since high school and still wears some that he's had since before we were married.  I rarely keep anything over 3-4 years old, and each season purge half of my closet to make room for current styles.  I do however have a storage bin in the basement labeled "clothes to keep."  This bin holds all of my favorite clothing items over the years that I don't wear, but couldn't possibly part with.
One item of clothing I've had since college and still wear is my favorite green and white striped shirt.  I bought it in college from Victoria's Secret probably around 2005.  I still remember buying it.  I'm not an impulse buyer and I always over-think my purchases before actually making them.  I was browsing the newly established "PINK" line from Victoria's Secret one day when I noticed the striped shirts hanging among the other lounge wear.  It was priced higher than I usually spent on clothes, but I had to have it.  So, I bought it.

I originally wore it as a long top, since this was when the whole "wearing a dress with jeans" style was popular.

{College picnic in the park 2005}
{On Vacation.  Not sure about those pant cuffs.}

About a week after buying my new favorite shirt, it was featured in Seventeen magazine in the style section.  I saved the article and put it in my clip book, which was "pinning" before there was Pinterest.  

I literally wore my shirt all the time.  I've worn it as a shirt, as a dress, as a skirt with a top over it, as a swimsuit cover-up, and as pajamas.  Most recently I wear it to bed.  It's still just as comfortable as the day I bought it 10 years ago.

See Jason, I still wear the same things from 10 years ago too.  And I've been photographed in it more than once.  

What's your favorite clothing item from over the years?

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