Frozen On Ice, Katherine on Ice, and Snow Cream and Donuts....

7:30 AM

On Friday morning, we headed downtown to take Katherine to see Disney's Frozen On Ice.  Dressed in her "Elsa" dress, we told Katherine it was "Coronation Day" and that we were going to see Elsa and Anna.  She was so excited.  We left the house promptly one hour before show time.  This was not enough time.  At all.  We arrived downtown only to be stuck in "Frozen" traffic with only 30 minutes left before showtime.  After taking a few side streets, it became obvious we were not getting any where near the arena where the show was being held.  We ended up having to park four blocks away and literally running to the arena with only 10 minutes left until showtime.  After wandering aimlessly and scaling a wall (yes we climbed over a wall to get to our seats), we finally made it to our seats as the show was starting.  Talk about a close call.

Anyway, Katherine absolutely loved the show.  She couldn't take her eyes off of the ice.  Even when the show went to intermission, Katherine stood at the rail and watched the empty ice, not taking her eyes off for a second.

She was completely worn out on the ride home.

For dinner, we took advantage of Fish Fry season here in St. Louis before hunkering down for yet another snow storm.

Katherine loves the snow and sometimes calls it "icing," at which point she grabs a handful and shoves it in her mouth.  This gave me the idea to make Snow Cream (using this recipe), but unfortunately if the snow isn't coming straight from the ground, Katherine doesn't want to eat it.  Fail.

What else do you do when you're snowed in?  Make as many sweet treats as possible.  So, I decided to make homemade donuts (recipe here).  I had some trouble with the dough, but they still turned out fine.  I even added some chocolate ganache to some of them.  My poor misshapen donuts looked ridiculous, but tasted great.  Fail-ish.

A quick Katherine story before we go:

Katherine loves watching The Voice.  She'll sit and watch it for hours, clapping and cheering on each contestant after their performances.

Katherine (after almost every contestant) : "Yay song!  You did great!"

After a contestant chose a coach:
Me:  "Katherine which team would you pick to be on?"
Katherine:  "Elsa's."
Me:  "You'd pick Elsa's team?"
Katherine:  "Elsa's or Daddy's."

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